Sisyphus is king of Corinth. He is very clever and he liked to trick other people. So he tricked lots of God even Zeus. His father is king of wind, and he is Odysseus father.
When Zeus kidnapped Asopides(God of river) daughter. Sisyphus told to Asopides, and he got water from Asopides for prize. So Zeus was angry because Sisyphus told his secret and bother him. So he called Thanatos (God of Death) and told him "bring Sisyphus to underworld". But when Thanatos came to Sisyphus, Sisyphus tricked to him. So he locked Thanatos, so nobody was died because God of death locked. So Zeus was angrier than before, because Sisyphus bothered God's work. So Ares went to Sisyphus and brought him to Hades where in underworld, and saved Thanatos.
But Sisyphus told to his wife before he went to underworld, "Don't bury me after I go to underworld". So when he met Hades he told his wife didn't bury him so he should go back to bury and come again. Then Hades's wife Persephone released him, but Sisyphus never came back until he died because of his age. After he died, he got punished to Zeus. It was rolled the rock until top of mountains. But when he almost finish, rock fell down so he should do this work infinitely.
ESL 9-1
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Novel study: Treasure Isaland
Treasure Island
Genre: Adventure
Setting: Bristol to
treasure islands
Main Character: JIm
Hawkins, Long John Silber, Dr. Livesy, Ben Gunn
Author, Robert Louis
Stevenson is Scottish. He wrote this book in 1883.
There were Hawkins
family managed the bar. One day, stranger guy came to this bar and gave gold
coins, and their family called him “captain”. But some pirates comes to
captain, and Hawkins family ran away to pirates to bring captain’s treasure map
and some money. Hawkins helped by Dr. Livesy, and they are ready to voyage for
find treasure with Trelawney, and Captain Smollett. But Trelawney spoke this
secret, so some pirates came to ship such as Long John Silber.
But they didn’t
know that truth. Pirates stole the ship and Hawkins and another guys escaped
the ship. They fought with pirates, and Hawkins abilities were increased
rapidly. Finally they got the treasure. But it was Silber’s plan. Reason of
Silber helped them because he cherished Hawkins. So lots of pirates were died
and Silber also surrender.
This book is very famous book. Maybe lots of people heard this book one time.
If you like adventure book, then read this book.
Short passage: ‘You
cannot keep silent. We aren’t the only men who know of this paper. Those who
broke into the inn tonight want to find the same treasure. We must none of us
go alone until we get to sea.’
Monday, June 3, 2013
Thousands flee as central Europe flood waters rise
Emergency operations are under way in Austria, Germany and the
Czech Republic to deal with record levels of flooding in some places.
Landslides and flooding have led to the deaths of at least seven
people. More than eight people are missing.
In Germany, more than 7,000 people have been moved from their
homes in the town of Eilenburg, reports say.
The Czech capital, Prague, is on high alert amid fears that
floodwater could swamp its historic centre
Around 3,000 people have been forced to leave their homes across
western Czech Republic, including parts of the capital.
Animals from Prague's zoo were also moved to higher ground as
flood waters inundated parts of the site.
Underground stations have been closed and schools shut as Prague
officials wait and see whether the Vltava River will flood its banks.
Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas called a special cabinet session
on Sunday to co-ordinate the emergency response, and around 1,000 troops were
mobilised to help erect metal barriers and fill sandbags.
"We will do everything to protect people's lives and
health," he said. "Tonight and tomorrow will be critical."
Main roads in
many areas of central Europe have been closed and rail services cut. Thousands
of homes are without power.
Czech police
said on Monday that at least five people were now known to have died due to the
flooding. Two people died after their cottage collapsed on Sunday, and three
people had died in separate incidents across Bohemia. Several people are
In Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic there are heavy rains, so they got
emergency operations. So 4 people death, and they moved patient from lower to
higher hospital. And stop to use subway. In Germany, more than 7000 people
moved from their house. The Czech Republic capital Prague has lots of UNESCO
world heritage sites, so there are in danger now. Animals from Prague’s zoo
also moved to higher ground. So there schools are cancelled. Some Swiss and
Poland’s cities people moved to another city. Also Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria
warn of flood because of Danube river.
Emergency operations: There country in danger to something, so they need to
warn for everybody. That time they use this.
UNESCO world heritage sites: Purpose is save the world’s important culture and
natural site.
Flood: a large amount rain coming, it cause river overflows.
Austria: It is located in central Europe. Capital city is Vienna. There
language is German.
The Czech Republic: It is located in central Europe. Capital city is Prague.
They usually use Latin, German and English.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Blog post: FIFA world cup
World cup is soccer competition.
Every 4 years open this competition. It’s open in summer and during 1 month to
play. 32 teams start match in final. And lots of countries participate in preliminary
round. So nowadays, lots of world cup in the world, beach soccer world cup, U
17, U 20 World cup, futsal World cup. Also we have practice world cup. It’s
named Confederations cup. It participates only few teams, and they get chance
to practice before world cup.
First world cup was held in Uruguay, in
1930. But that time, Uruguay was so far because transportation was poor. So
very few team enter that competition. Also they stop twice because of world
war. In 1998, 32 teams play in final. Brazil won 5 times in world cup, and
Italy 4 times won in world cup.
How many teams playing in world cup
In preliminary round Europe= 53 Africa= 55
Asia= 46 Oceania= 13 North America= 40 South America=10
In final round Europe=13 Africa= 5 Asia=
4.5 Oceania= 0.5 North America=3.5 South America= 4.5 like that, lots of
countries playing, also this number is still increasing. And host country doesn’t
need to do in preliminary round. 2014 world cup held in Brazil, so Brazil doesn’t
need to do preliminary round. Host country is always Europe- non Europe-
Europe- Non Europe like that, but this time, this rule is broken. But in 2022
will Qatar, so another Asia countries need lots of time, if they want to held
the world cup. But I hope Korea held World cup again.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Novel reading: The Prisoner of Zenda
The Prisoner of Zenda
Main character is
Rudolf, Flavia, Fritz and Sapt, Black Michale. Main events are Rudolf changed
to King. Genre is adventure. Rudolf did not have job. So his brother’s wife
Ross, hated him. So he tried to do traveler. His hair was red and he had
Elphberg nose. And he went to the Ruritania. But King has red hair also. So
lots of people wondered for his hair. However, there kingdom was fighting in King’s
family. Someday, black Michale kidnapped
the King. So Rudolf should to do the king’s work. So Fritz and Sapt helped him,
but he fell in love to princess Flavia, because she was too pretty. And he
needed to choose, staying the palace or go to save the King, if he staying he
still fell in love to Flavia, but if he goes to save the King, he lost his job
again. But he chose, trying to save the King. So he saved the King.
Recommendation: It
is similar story when I was watching movie in Korea, but movies have lots of
action and less love story, but this story is love story. But it’s still fun.
So maybe lots of people are like this book.
Short Passage: I
live quietly now, but every year Fritz and I meet in a little town outside
Ruritania. There, he gives me news of the Queen of Ruritania, the wife of King
Rudolf the Fifth. And every years he brings me a red rose and a note with the
words written: Rudolf- Flavia- Always. And I send her a red rose with the same
message. Shall I ever see her again Who knows?
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Blog post: David Beckham
He is very famous soccer player. Even
anyone who do not know about soccer, know the Beckham.
His position in the soccer is midfielder.
He was played for Manchester United, Real Madrid, Milan, Los Angeles Galaxy,
Preston North End, Paris Saint Germain. He debut in the Manchester United, and
he won 6 times about league title, 2 FA cup title and one time to win in
Champions league. Then he moved to Real Madrid, because Alex Ferguson and David
Beckham had big trouble. He won La Liga championship cup, and then he moved to
Los Angeles, MLS(U.S.A). He moved to AC Milan twice to use loan. At the
national team in England, he debut 1996, when his age is only 21. He got twice
about FIFA world player of the year.
He was first British player who played 100
matches in the Champions league. David Beckham was famous free kicker. Also his
technique is great, so lots of children want to do same play like Beckham. He
married to Victoria Beckham who is the famous entertainment, and they have 4
children. His son enters the Q.P.R children soccer team in 2013. His appearance
was so handsome, so he got lots of advertisement. So he got the title of who is
the richest sports player.

Monday, May 20, 2013
Current events: Australian politician injured in kangaroo attack
politician injured in kangaroo attack
An Australian politician suffered gashes to one of his legs when a close
encounter with a kangaroo during his morning jog turned violent.
Shane Rattenbury, a minister for the local government that manages the
territory around the Australian capital, Canberra, said he bumped into the
animal early Thursday as he was running along the side of a hedge in a suburban
"I didn't see the kangaroo, and it didn't see me," he said by
phone on Friday. "It started hopping around, it was a bit panicked. I
ducked for cover and ended up on the ground. The kangaroo jumped on me in its
attempt to get away."
The claws on its powerful hind legs dug into the back of Rattenbury's left
Shan Rattenbury's injured leg
It then bounded away in the direction of a nearby nature reserve, leaving
Rattenbury lying dazed in the street with deep cuts in his leg.
"Like most animals, when frightened, they'll lash out quite
hard," he said.
Eastern Grey Kangaroos, the species he encountered, are common in the suburbs
of Canberra, especially at this time of year when the dry weather brings them
searching for grass and water on people's lawns.
"I see kangaroos here all the time when I'm running," Rattenbury
said. "But I've never actually crashed into one before."
He said that after the skirmish, he hitched a ride home and then went and
got his wounds cleaned and bandaged at a walk-in medical center. A nurse also
gave him a tetanus shot.
His injuries didn't stop him from going on to attend a sitting of the
local assembly, where some colleagues couldn't resist humoring him about his
A run in with a 'roo has left the municipal
services minister ruing his choice of route for a morning jog.
"There have certainly been a lot of kangaroo jokes and kangaroo puns
in the parliament," he said.
Australian media outlets also saw an opportunity for word play.
"A run in with a 'roo has left the municipal services minister ruing
his choice of route for a morning jog," an anchor on the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation saidas she introduced Rattenbury's story.
Although kangaroos don't usually pose a threat to humans, authorities in
the Canberra area have undertaken annual culls to control the animals' numbers
for environmental reasons. Rattenbury's political party, the Greens, doesn't
oppose the policy.
"The cull has been very controversial," he said. "It's undertaken
on the basis of science that indicates there is an overabundance of these
kangaroos in the region."
The Greens "continue to monitor that science and look at whether this
cull has delivered the desired impacts," he added.
Rattenbury's Facebook page, one person sought to draw a link between
the program and the minister's unfortunate experience.
"Perhaps the kangaroos are trying to tell you something about the
culling program," wrote a user named Rick Collins.
It is estimated that there are around 50 million kangaroos in Australia,
according to the national government.
Rattenbury says his alarming experience hasn't deterred him from
continuing to run in the same neighborhood as he trains for triathlons in the
coming months.
Summary: An Australian politician Shane
Rattenbury was jogging on the morning along the side of a hedge in a suburban
neighborhood. Kangaroo attacked him and run away. So his leg injured because of
that happening. He said “I didn’t see the kangaroo, and it didn’t see me.”
Kangaroo was frightened, so it attacked to Shane Rattenbury. Usually he jogging
with kangaroo, but he never crashed to kangaroo. But this time they crashed so
that happen was occurred. Shane Rattenbury went to the medical center. Nurse
gave him a tetanus shot.
Politician: Person whose job is
in politics
Suburb: Part of the city,
outside its centre.
Kangaroo: Live in Oceania, they
carry their baby on their stomach
Tetanus: Painful disease,
Getting into wounds.
Hedge: Small trees, usually
along the garden, road.
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